In the early 1970’s the Lord moved across the St. Louis area affecting lives across the city and surrounding suburbs. Many new Christians were added to the Church and the Holy Spirit began filling people throughout the city. Soon, New Covenant Church (NCC) was established as one of the first charismatic churches in the area.
Bryn Jones
Growing in understanding and revelation of church government the leaders of NCC became members of Covenant Ministries International (CMI) and the apostolic team lead by Bryn Jones based in Coventry in the United Kingdom.
In 1997 Bryn and the CMI team recognized Dr. Steve Ottolini as an apostle and Covenant Family Churches (Covenant) was created in association with the CMI team. Today, Covenant Family Churches exists as a close relationship of congregations, standing together in covenant, and working side-by-side through a common apostolic, presbyterian government based in St. Louis, Missouri, USA. Led by Dr. Steve Ottolini, Covenant provides Apostolic oversight and care for the leadership our related congregations across the world, trains and disciples elders, and spearheads initiatives to proclaim the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and glorify Him throughout the earth.